Welcome to the class area for Year Six - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.
Welcome to Gold Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Statham
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Holyoake and Miss Robinson
Welcome to 2025 in year 6, we are glad to have you back in class.
Our main emphasis for this term is a fascinating history unit on crime and punishment which follows this theme through different periods in time, some of which the children have studied in other ways. This will be followed by a geography unit on land and industry use in the UK.
Our Science focus for spring 1 is a human biology unit about the circulatory system. We will then follow this in spring 2, with a physics based unit on light
Our PE timetable will continue to take place on a Wednesday and Thursday, with Mr Spittle. As we are fortunate enough to have a timetabled hall slot on both days, we should be completing most PE indoors for the first half term. However, when we return for spring 2, the Thursday sessions will generally be outdoors.
In line with the rest of the school the children will continue to wear PE kit to school on these day. PE sessions this term will cover skills from handball, rounders, dance and gymnastics.
We are looking forward to continuing to work with you and your children.
Here is our timetable for the spring term:

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You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
- Helping your child with learning Literacy skills at home
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