Welcome to the class area for Year One - to enlarge the curriculum leaflet below please click on the vertical slider and drag the page around to view each area.
Welcome to Year 1

Teacher: Miss Ali
Teaching Assistants: Miss Burke
You can find information on the curriculum that we will be following by looking at the top of this page.
Year 1 is a phase of challenge and new learning, and we have high expectations of all our children. Children will develop and extend the skills learnt in Reception and the groundwork is set for continued independent learning in Year 1. Many exciting things happen in Year 1 as your children will tell you! The children form the cast of the Christmas production, which we are sure parents will enjoy.
We encourage reading for pleasure and expect the children to read regularly at home, and have this recorded in their reading records. Handwriting is extremely important and we encourage the children to form all of their letters correctly. We also encourage the children to make and use numbers in lots of different ways, which will help them when working out maths problems.
Here is our current timetable for the spring term:

To access ActiveLearn and help your child complete their homework and reading activities please click the logo opposite. The login details for your child are located in their PHP reading record. On initial login all allocated e-books, activities and interactive resources are available from the 'my stuff' area of your child's account.
You can download our long-term curriculum plan here.
- Helping your child with learning Literacy skills at home
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